Vector Tiles Rendering from PostgreSQL

This map renders vector tiles from a PostgreSQL database using Martin. The vector tiles are served using OpenLayers V6 and the styling is done on the client. To populate the database we are using Docker OSM. Docker OSM periodically fetches updates from the OSM API to maintain up to date data.

This map shows how you can use QGIS to publish your own custom maps based on OpenStreetMap data. The roads and building data was downloaded using our OSM Reporter tool which provides ready to use .qml styles along with the extracted data. Additional context data is provided using data from the South African Chief Directorate of National Geo-Spatial Information.
Kartoza FBIS Basemap

Flood Forecasting Planning

This map shows flood vulnerability indicators extracted from Open Street Map. The data shown on this map is extracted from OSM using Docker OSM. The leaflet webmap renderes GeoServer layers using CQL filters. Some the the data is rendered on the client from postgres.
Cathkin Conservancy

MapServer Demo

NGI 1:50 000 topographical map

Based on data from (c) SA-NGI. This map shows data that has been styled in QGIS to resemble the 1:50 000 topographical map sheets that are produced by the South African Chief Directorate of National Geo-Spatial Information(NGI). NGI provides raster formats for the 1:50 000 topographic map series.
Cape Winelands District

Based on data from OpenStreetMap and population data published by CIESIN with district boundary provided by The South African Demarcation Board, this is a simple local map of the Cape Winelands area.

The digital elevation model was created by extracting nodes from the national 1:50 000 countour lines and then using the QGIS interpolation tool to create a DEM - which was subsequently converted to a hillshade model.