The Kartoza Geeks

Lova Andriarimalala

QGIS Developer

kartoza employee

Lova is a passionate Web GIS Developer based in Antananarivo, Madagascar. He thrives on blending the power of open-source technologies with his creative mapping skills. With a strong foundation in self-taught GIS expertise, Lova has dedicated himself to developing dynamic web-based GIS applications and crafting visually captivating maps using QGIS. Complementing his GIS skills, Lova is well-versed in web development. He harnesses the power of Python, Django, and JavaScript to create robust web-based GIS applications that provide users with seamless access to spatial data and interactive. He is specialized in leveraging these capabilities as decisive tools in humanitarian initiatives, reflecting a commitment to driving positive change through innovative geospatial strategies. Beyond his digital world, Lova is an avid hiker. He finds solace in exploring the great outdoors, which not only recharges his creativity but also deepens his understanding of the landscapes he represents in his maps.